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Monday, May 17, 2010

EVENT: Larry Bedard, M.D. Discusses Medical Marijuana Legalization at Rotary Club of Camarillo

Larry Bedard, M.D. of San Francisco will address the Rotary Club of Camarillo on May 19 regarding legalization of Marijuana in California. Dr. Bedard has been active in the debate at the highest levels, and the Associated Press has quoted him as the most respected medical authority on the issue of medical marijuana as a preferred substitute for addictive medication and alcohol. This is a great opportunity to hear expert medical opinion, in preparation for voting in the November statewide ballot.

Camarillo Rotary meets from 12:00 - 1:30 PM Wednesdays at the Camarillo Center for Spiritual Living, 340 Mobil Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010. The buffet lunch is $20.00, and the meeting is open to the public. RSVP by May 17, 2010.

Founded in 1955, Camarillo Rotary is a very active group of 75 members who enjoy fellowship and subscribe to Rotary?s motto “Service Above Self” and the “Four Way Test” of ethics. Its annual “Viva La Comida” Mexican dinner fundraiser benefits local charities such as Camarillo?s Boys & Girls Club, Scouts and YMCA. Its annual Magic Show fundraiser, annual track meet and other events benefit other Camarillo organizations such as Casa Pacifica, RAIN, and others.


TheCannabisChef.com - The Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis (Medicinal Marijuana)