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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

URGENT: All available LA activists should be at the LA City Council tomorrow -- Wednesday -- at 10:00 am - 200 N. Spring St., Room 340.

In a seven hour session, on Tuesday, the full council reviewed all the current amendments to the proposed regulations for medical marijuana dispenaries. Everything was going very well --

Then at literally the last minute, two councilmembers from the south side complained about proposed zoning that called for dispensary locations to be at least 500 feet from any residential area. They wanted to change that to 1000 feet -- which in Los Angeles makes locating anywhere other than a steel mill or railroad yard almost impossible.

Councilmen Bill Rosendahl said if this measure was included it would mean almost every dispenary in the city would be shut down. The business districts in Los Angeles are scattered throughout residential areas -- often separated from houses by a single street. He said there was not a single dispenary in his District that could remain open under that rule.

Councilman Koretz said the amendment would destroy all the work that we've done on this issue over the last 5 years. He said the regulations would not function and would throw the whole business back into the black market.

Councilman Garcetti agreed.

Then for reasons yet to be determined, everyone else suddenly deserted us. The 1000 foot rule was adopted by the majority and it's now officially in the proposed final regulations.


We must defeat this amendment. If you're in town, whatever else you're doing, forget it. Come to City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Room 340 at 10:00 am. If we fill the Council Chambers like we did two weeks ago we may have an impact. Nothing impresses skittish politicians like a full house.

This one counts. Please be there!

Mike Gray
Common Sense for Drug Policy