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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NOTICE: Landa Prison Outreach Program for Medical Marijuana Prisoners of War

Welcome to LPOP

The mission of the Landa Prison Outreach Program (LPOP) is to care for the victims of the government's war on cannabis. LPOP is operated by medical marijuana prisoner of war (POW) Stephanie Landa, who was sentenced to 41 months in federal prison for a co-operative medical grow in the city of San Francisco. LPOP is an all-volunteer organization which serves prisoners by delivering care, letters, and books—the same items which were Stephanie's lifeline in prison.

LPOP cares for individual victims of the government's war on cannabis by:
  • Donating books to prison libraries.
  • Facilitating concerned citizens.
  • Writing letters to prisoners.
  • Organizing court support for Southern California defendants facing cannabis charges.

Providing a website with educational information for inmates and their families.

For more information, please visit their website at: http://www.landaprisonoutreachprogram.com

The Human Solution - the-human-solution.org