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Monday, January 17, 2011

NEWS: Medical marijuana law will again go to council

LONG BEACH - Proposed medical marijuana laws are scheduled for a final vote by Long Beach City Council members Tuesday night.

Usually at this point, the vote would be simply a rubber stamp and wouldn't warrant further discussion by the council.

But considering that this is a revision of a previously approved law, which never fully went into effect - and the council was divided over changing it - there could be attempts to alter it one more time.

In March 2010, the council approved stringent rules for marijuana collectives, including prohibiting them near schools, in residential zones or close to one another.

The proposed additional regulations, which got an initial vote of support in December, would also restrict collectives from being within 1,000 feet of parks, among other regulations.

Medical marijuana advocates and operators of collectives weren't happy with the initial ordinance, but they were livid over the council's attempt to change it after collectives had invested money, paid fees and gone to the trouble to meet all of the original law's rules. About a dozen collectives or cultivation sites will be forced to close once the new parks restriction is in place.

The vote on the proposed laws is the last item on the council's agenda.

Source: Contra Costa Times