SAN DIEGO — A medical marijuana advocate who pleaded guilty in May to a drug possession charges, was ordered Tuesday to pay a $100 fine and given credit for a brief stint in jail.
Donna Lambert, 48, who was part of a marijuana collective in San Diego, pleaded guilty May 27 to felony possession for sale and misdemeanor possession. She withdrew her plea on the felony Tuesday and the charge was dismissed.
As part of the plea deal, prosecutors agreed to drop the felony if Lambert remained law-abiding until her sentencing date.
In addition to seven counts of illegal drug sales, Lambert was accused of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Most of those charges were dismissed in light of the plea, said Deputy District Attorney Steven Walter.
He said Lambert had only served about a day in custody.
Lambert was accused of providing marijuana to an undercover police detective who was posing as a medical marijuana patient as part of a larger investigation dubbed Operation Green Rx. Police raided her San Diego home in February 2009 and found two guns, both of which were registered and legal.
Jovan Jackson and Eugene Davidovich, both of whom were linked to marijuana dispensaries, were acquitted of drug charges in separate trials in December 2009 and March 2010, respectively. Both said they believed their actions were legal under California law.
Jackson went to trial again last month on a separate set of charges stemming from Operation Green Rx, and was convicted. In that case, a judge ruled that Jackson could not use the state’s medical marijuana law as a defense.
Source: San Diego Union-Tribune
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