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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

NEWS: L.A. Councilman Wants To Ban Pot Delivery

After news of broke here and elsewhere about the burgeoning business of medical-marijuana delivery, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday was asked to specifically ban mobile-based pot shops as part of its restrictive dispensary law that took effect Monday. Councilman Jose Juizar introduced the amendment, calling mobile pot shops a "ruse" to get around the city's law, which effectively put more than four out of five L.A. dispensaries out of business this week.

"The city has received dozens of complaints regarding this new ruse that has arisen in an attempt to circumvent city and state regulations governing the city's collectives,'' Huizar stated in his motion to ban mobile dispensaries.

The amendment would "explicitly prohibit any delivery service" unless it involves a pot shop that adheres to current city regulations and the transportation is carried out by a patient's "primary caregiver." In other words, if the council adopts this, the game is pretty over for legal pot delivery in L.A.

Huizar said he wants the council to move quickly -- on an "emergency basis."

Source: LA Weekly