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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Medical marijuana furor raises many questions

While things are in a big uproar over the medical marijuana issue, what if:

1. The person pursuing that option has been in a horrible accident and does not want to be addicted to morphine?

2. The person might have serious liver or kidney issues, is in pain and cannot tolerate and large number of OTC or prescription medications?

3. They are afraid to try taking the great new designer drugs on the market that the FDA has approved and that are killing people left and right?

4. They have been in chronic pain for years and been through a long list of physicians who refuse to take the time or incentive to deal with that issue, just tell you to just go home and take a lot of Motrin?

5. They are at wit’s end with all of it and feel that they need to be pro-active about their own health and explore things such as acupuncture, etc. to find out what might help them?

Seriously, I don’t think that anyone can expect a licensed medical doctor to approve of anything that is not FDA approved and was not part of their medical school training. So, it becomes a liability issue and a human rights issue combined.

I don’t hear anyone mentioning these things because I think that they are afraid to!

Diane Skillestad

Source: Billings Gazette