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Friday, April 23, 2010

NEWS: LA City Council approves fee schedule for medical marijuana clinics

The City Council gave final approval Friday to a fee schedule for medical marijuana clinics, the last element needed in the hard-fought effort to regulate the facilities in Los Angeles.

The measure was approved on 10-1 vote, with Councilman Bill Rosendahl voicing his continued opposition to a measure he claims is too restrictive. The ordinance will take effect 30 days after it is signed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

The measure puts strict limitations on where the clinics can operate, banning them from close proximity to schools, parks and residential areas. While the city now has an estimated 800, the new restrictions are expected to significantly reduce that number.

Under the plan approved Friday, clinics will have to pay nearly $1,600 in fees in order to continue operating. The fees include $688 for Department of Building and Safety permits and $151 for a police background check.

City Attorney Carmen Trutanich already has begun an effort to close down many of the existing shops, saying he believes they are illegally profiting from medical marijuana sales.

Source: Contra Costa Times