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Thursday, March 25, 2010

BEWARE of Medical Marijuana Recommendation SCAMS!

Recently there have been a number of false recommendations in circulation and patients are finding out they were taken advantage of. In order to protect the patients, we recommend that you avoid the following centers as local collectives may not be accept them for various reasons, the main one being that they are INVALID:
  • Herb Medical Center
  • Natures Medical Center
  • Cannabis Card Center
  • Absolute Medical Center
If you have a recommendation from one of these centers we recommend that you return to the clinic and get a refund.

When visiting a new clinic bring your invalid recommendation and your new doctor may give you a discount.

When searching for clinics, DON'T be lured by the price. Do your research on the clinic, the doctor, licenses and so on to minimize your chances of getting ripped off.

The following locations have been reported as reputable:

Valid Clinics with 24 hour verification

Tips on getting a valid recommendation

1. Meet the Doctor!

Some patients are reporting that they never met their doctor! If the doctor's visit is not in person (ie. Webcam, Fax), it is NOT valid.

2. Confirm your Doctor's License is Valid!

Use the following website to confirm your doctor has a license to practice in the state of California and confirm there has not been disciplinary action taken against your doctor or their office.

CA Doctor's License Look-Up

3. Get an Ink Signature!

Even real doctors are doing the wrong thing. If you do not see the doctor sign your recommendation, it may be a photo copy of their signature. This laziness is unacceptable! Without a real signature your recommendation is not real!

I hope that this post prevents people out there from getting ripped off and taken advantage of. Remember, do your research.


Americans for Safe Access