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Thursday, February 25, 2010

NEWS: Medical Marijuana 'Smokers Club' to Open in Williamston, North Carolina

WILLIAMSTON, NC -- Wayne Dagit has no problem admitting it.

"Right now, I am completely medicated," he says, holding up a bag of marijuana.

Dagit is a reverend and a medical marijuana patient with Hepatitis C, which has just about destroyed his liver.

"Later tonight, I will enjoy some 'Great White' (a particularly potent strain of marijuana) because it is my right," he says.

Dagit's so devoted to it he's opening the state's first smokers club -- Green Leaf University -- where others like him can gather and get medicated. It's set to open Monday, March 1, in Williamston.

Dagit is also the founder and reverend of the Church for Compassionate Care. He says he moved to Michigan when it legalized pot back in 2008. His ailments have since greatly improved.

"Through the grace of the Lord and his infinite wisdom, he created medical marijuana," Dagit says, noting the lab results on his liver are coming back cleaner than before.

But local law enforcement officials aren't quite so thrilled. They're worried medical marijuana patients who drive themselves to a smokers club will be high when they get back behind the wheel.

"The result is going to be that local law enforcement officials are going to have to deal with the clean-up -- meaning accidents, and people getting hurt and wrecking their cars," says Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth.

But Dagit counters only folks with medical marijuana cards will have access to the club. He also says he'll encourage his clients to stay until they're sober, and worries medical marijuana patients are becoming victims of a double standard.

"There are 15 bars in a one-mile radius, and I don't hear the police saying anything about that," Dagit argues.

If the state's six-month backlog of medical marijuana applications is any indication, his Green Leaf University is about to become very busy.

Source: WILX.COM


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