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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TWITTER UPDATE: Specials from collectives in Long Beach, California

If you are following us on twitter (@dispensaries) and live in or near the Long Beach area then this may be for you. Over the next few days we are going to be transitioning all patient specials and announcements for Long Beach collectives ONLY to an account that will be dedicated strictly to that. The account for Long Beach collective's specials and announcements will be @lbcollectives.

We are doing this in an effort to enhance our communications and promote a positive web experience for all. There is no reason why someone in New York should have to receive Tweets about specials in Southern California. Hence our decision to dedicate a Twitter account strictly for that purpose.

Be sure to add @lbcollectives to your list of people you follow in order to continue to receive information regarding collectives and specials in the city of Long Beach.

We hope this change is a positive one for everyone! Comments are ALWAYS welcome with an open heart, spirit and mind.