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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Long Beach City Council Meeting - TODAY at 5:00PM!

November 10, 2009: The City Council of Long Beach (California) will hold a meeting today November 10, 2009 at 5:00pm where one of the subjects on the agenda involves hearings on the following:

10. 09-1203 Recommendation to receive public input and discuss draft ordinance regarding medical marijuana.

If you can attend in person, then by all means do so and get involved in your community! The voices of patients need to be heard, but we all need to work together on this and in a respectable fashion.

If you can't make it to the meeting in person, the City of Long Beach has setup a "Live" broadcast of the meeting which can be accessed by going to this page: City of Long Beach, CA - City Council On Line.

Agenda for November 10, 2009