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Monday, October 5, 2009

VIDEO: Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Clinic Controversy

Can someone please tell me how a cancer patient that can barely move, let alone get out of bed, is going to go to cultivate their own medicine. What kind of shit is that!?

Each dispensary is different and there needs to be some standardization so everybody is on the same page and not stepping on somebody else's toes. When marijuana starts to be taxed and regulated like alcohol...although Vicodin isn't taxed like Alcohol....hmm? Anyway, once the money starts flowing into the cities and state, I think more and more individuals will realize the financial benefits that have been ignored all these years.

It is time the politicians, the ones that put their own personal agendas before the wishes of the people, either get on the same page or face being voted out of office in the next elections. We will all be watching where you stand on the issues that matter the most to us; the voters.