Wow, thing sure have changed over the past 5 years. Many cities that once were filled with cannabis dispensaries have now banned the dispensaries out of existence. Through any means necessary, be it a letter from the city to ceise and decist or through raids of many responsible establishments.
Now a minor sidenote regarding the dormancy of this site for so long was simply due to my bipolar disorder. In 2010-2011 I was going through a manic stage where I was running this site on a daily basis. I had the energy, the enthusiasm and simply enjoyed what I was able to offer our readers. Towards the end of the 2011 the fireworks died and I fell into a depressed state. Since then I've been trying different medications to get me out of the funk and at this point in time, I believe we have a pretty good mix that keeps me neither manic nor depressed. Just on an even keel.
My hopes are that I can revive my blog, as I found it, at the time, very therapeutic. Although I've always been up to date on cannabis related news, I know it's going to take some time for me to jump head first back into it. Looking at all the broken things on the old site is overwhelming...where do I begin. But I feel that in due time, the site will be updated to reflect the latest news, videos and information regarding Southern California's cannabis community.
Stick around and check back from time to time to hopefully see this site rising from the ashes like the mythical Phoenix rising from it's ashes. I thank you all for your support and look forward to bringing you more current content to this once great site.
Much love and positive vibes!
~ Doc Herbalist
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Friday, June 24, 2016
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