If you know of an event that you feel should be listed on our calendar, please send details to info@mjdispensaries.com ~Thank You

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Marc Emery Turns Himself In to Face Extradition - FREE MARC EMERY!

Marc Emery is going to be spending the next 5 years of his life in a U.S. Federal Prison for something he was fined a couple thousand dollars for in Canada. Is this justice people? Or straight lunacy!

Tax and Regulate Cannabis in 2010 - Signatures and Support Needed!

It is time to move on and away from the failed, antiquated, draconian drug laws and policies that have done nothing but cost each and every tax payer millions of dollars each and every year and do absolutely nothing to meet their objectives.

Tax and Regulate Cannabis in 2010!

Signatures are being collected to get a sensible and desperately needed measure put on the ballot for the 2010 elections.

For more information on this and what YOU can do to play a huge role getting California out of the current financial crisis that it is in visit: http://www.taxcannabis2010.org!

Years ago when this whole thing started...the idea may have sounded crazy. But now, the only crazy (and irresponsible) thing for the people of California would be not to be in support of this desperately needed source of revenue for our debt stricken state. Revenue that can go towards infrastructure, education... back into our communities!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

NORML's 38th Annual National Conference (San Francisco, CA)

NORML 38th Annual National Conference: September 24-26, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

NEWS VIDEO: Moratorium extended for local medical marijuana dispensaries

City of Long Beach Will Hold a City Council Meeting Regarding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

On September 21st, 2009 at 4:30pm, the City of Long Beach will hold its City Council Meeting where one of the hot topics will be medical marijuana dispensaries operating within the city. Below is more information regarding the action item (File #: 09-0796). The meeting will be held at 333 W. Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA in the Council Chamber.

Three minutes will be given for each member of the public wishing to speak on the issues. This is your opportunity to speak out for something you believe in!

At the very bottom of this article you can see how your Long Beach representatives voted on a substitue motion regarding cannabis dispensaries, collectives and co-ops.

Complete City Council Agenda for September 21, 2009 in PDF format is available HERE

Long Beach City Council Sept. 21 Agenda v1.0

Recommendation to discuss local authority and regulation of medical marijuana dispensaries

File #: 09-0796
Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item
Mover: Rae Gabelich
Seconder: Suja Lowenthal
Result: Pass

Minutes note: Councilmember Reyes Uranga spoke and submitted written comments. Motion: To refer to the Economic Development and Finance Committee for report back to the City Council within 90 days on its deliberations regarding the following considerations related to the licensing of medical marijuana dispensaries and how the City would: [1] Provide a process for the collectives and cooperatives to apply for a business license, to set forth the specific standards and criteria under which such businesses shall be conducted and regulated within the City, and to set forth any regulatory fees pursuant to Title 5; [2] Declare a moratorium on medical marijuana facilities in order to develop a process for business licensing, adopt related zoning ordinances and to provide a time period for the registration of all existing facilities in order to determine the location and number of dispensaries within the City; [3] Develop and recommend the zoning requirements for placement of these facilities: i.e., not allowed near churches or schools, in neighborhoods, etc.; [4] Develop and recommend a standard on the number of dispensaries that would be allowed in the City; and [5] Determine how to amortize the closure of preexisting, non-confirming uses after guidelines have been established. Moved by Reyes Uranga, seconded by O'Donnell. Councilmember DeLong spoke. Motion: Substitute motion to refer deliberation of medical marijuana licensing considerations cited in Councilmember Uranga’s main motion to the Housing and Neighborhood Committee, rather than the Economic Development and Finance Committee, and return to City Council within 90 days. Moved by DeLong, seconded by Garcia. Councilmember O'Donnell spoke. Vice Mayor Lerch spoke. Councilwoman Gabelich spoke and submitted written comments from Councilmembers Garcia, Lowenthal, Gabelich and Lerch. Councilmember Lowenthal spoke. Councilmember Reyes Uranga spoke. Councilman Andrews spoke. Councilwoman Schipske spoke. Robert Shannon, City Attorney, spoke. Suzanne Frick, Assistant City Manager, spoke. Councilwoman Schipske spoke. Robert Shannon, City Attorney, spoke. Councilmember Garcia spoke. Councilmember O'Donnell spoke. Councilwoman Gabelich spoke. Ben Rockwell spoke. Jim Wade spoke. Diana Lejins spoke. Ken Anderson spoke. Mark Adams spoke and submitted written comments. Sherif Issa spoke and submitted written comments. Kendall Rainwater spoke. Catherine Aldridge spoke. John Donahue spoke. William Britt spoke and submitted a booklet entitled "Cannabis Yields and Dosage." Gregory Moore spoke. Helen Bush spoke. Francis Emily Dawson Harris spoke. Councilwoman Gabelich spoke. Vice Mayor Lerch spoke.

approve substitute motion
Action text: A second subtitute motion was made by Councilwoman Gabelich, seconded by Councilmember Lowenthal, to: A. Concurrently refer discussion of medical marijuana dispensaries licensing to the Economic Development and Finance Committee for receipt of additional public comment; and B. Request the City Attorney to report back to the City Council within 60 days on the feasibility, legality and enforcement of potential local ordinances the Council may enact regarding medical marijuana, pursuant to state law. The report would include the following considerations: [1] The means for legal medical marijuana collectives, as defined in state law and clarified in court cases such as People v. Mentsch, People v. Northcutt and People v. Urziceanu, to operate within the City; [2] Zoning criteria for the location of collectives within the City, including whether it is feasible to limit the location, size and number of members in a collective operating within a residential-zoned area; [3] The ability to prohibit any collective from being located within a 1,000-foot radius of schools, parks, licensed child care facilities, or other medical marijuana collectives; [4] The establishment of a system in which qualified collectives must register with the City to obtain a permit, and provide a list of the primary care givers and qualified patients that belong to the collective; [5] An appropriate fee payable to the City prior to being issued a permit; [6] The ability to regulate the sale or dispensing of any marijuana-related paraphernalia; [7] Require that all permitted collectives meet certain conditions, including, but not limited to: a) The location shall have a security plan approved by the Police Department, and the Police Department or other appropriate City department may inspect every medical marijuana collective location at a reasonable time to ensure compliance; b) No cultivated marijuana or dried marijuana product may be visible from the building exterior; c) No medical marijuana products may be consumed on-site, or in the parking areas of the site ; and d) Any food-related products offered by the collective shall comply with Health Department standards; [8] The applicability of the Americans with Disabilities Act towards the operating of collectives in either residential or commercial corridors; and [9] The legality and feasibility of imposing a tax on gross receipts of medical marijuana, similar to the measure recently approved by the voters of the City of Oakland, CA. The foregoing motion also incorporated Councilmember Reyes Uranga’s request that the discussion on dispensary licensing include how the City would: [1] Provide a process for the collectives and cooperatives to apply for a business license, to set forth the specific standards and criteria under which such businesses shall be conducted and regulated within the City, and to set forth any regulatory fees pursuant to Title 5; [2] Declare a moratorium on medical marijuana facilities in order to develop a process for business licensing, adopt related zoning ordinances and to provide a time period for the registration of all existing facilities in order to determine the location and number of dispensaries within the City; [3] Develop and recommend the zoning requirements for placement of these facilities: i.e .not allowed near churches or schools, in neighborhoods, etc.; [4] Develop and recommend a standard on the number of dispensaries that would be allowed in the City; and [5] Determine how to amortize the closure of preexisting, non-confirming uses after guidelines have been established. The motion carried by the following vote:

* Votes (9)

Name Vote
Robert Garcia Yes
Suja Lowenthal Yes
Gary DeLong Yes
Patrick O'Donnell Yes
Gerrie Schipske Yes
Dee Andrews Yes
Tonia Reyes Uranga Yes
Rae Gabelich Yes
Val Lerch Yes

Complete City Council Agenda for September 21, 2009 in PDF format is available HERE

The Prince of Pot: Marc Emery Fact Sheet (from CannabisCulture)

Who is Marc Emery?

• Marc Emery is a Canadian cannabis activist. He is the leader of the British Columbia Marijuana Party, publisher and editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine, and runs Cannabis Culture Headquarters retail store and Pot-TV video network. He ran a popular marijuana seed business called “Marc Emery Direct Seeds” from 1994 to 2005.

• Marc Emery has been known as a bookseller and activist in Canada for 30 years, fighting against censorship laws and other social issues long before he became a drug law reform activist.

• Marc Emery has been a media figure for 20 years with regards to marijuana and drug law reform. He is very well known to Canadian, American and international news media organizations.

• Marc Emery never grew or sold marijuana, only the seeds.

• Marc Emery never went to the USA and operated his seed business only in Canada at all times.

• Marc Emery operated his business in full transparency since its inception. He sent a copy of his magazine Cannabis Culture to media outlets and each Member of Parliament in Canada for years. The magazine had pages of seed catalogue listings.

• Marc Emery donated all of the profits from his seed business to drug law reform lobbyists, political parties, global protests and rallies, lawyers and court cases, medical marijuana initiatives, drug rehabilitation clinics, grassroots media, and many other legitimate legal activities and organizations.

• Marc Emery helped found or support the United States Marijuana Party, US state and Canadian provincial political parties, and international political parties.

• Marc Emery declared his income from marijuana seed sales on his income tax, and paid over $580,000 to the Federal and Provincial governments from 1999 to 2005.

• The US Drug Enforcement Administration admitted numerous times in a press release from Administrator Karen Tandy that his arrest was based on his drug legalization funding and efforts – a copy of that political document can be read and viewed online at www.NoExtradition.net ?

What’s happening to Marc Emery?

Marc Emery ran "Emery Direct Seeds", a marijuana seed business, in downtown Vancouver BC and online for over ten years. Marc wanted to be the main benefactor of the marijuana movement, with the goal to end prohibition across North America and the world.

In July 2005, the US Justice Department requested Canada extradite Marc to the USA to be charged with conspiracy to produce marijuana, conspiracy to traffic marijuana, and conspiracy to launder the proceeds of crime – all charges that imply Marc grew marijuana to make money, even though he only sold seeds and gave all the money away.

Marc was facing ten-year mandatory minimums on each charge, with possible life imprisonment in US federal prison. After his co-accused made plea deals for 2 years probation, Marc decided to make a plea deal for a 5-year sentence in the US federal system.

Canada’s Justice Minister is extraditing Marc to the USA, even though hundreds of thousands of people believe that he should not be punished at all. Most people are offended that a Canadian can be charged and imprisoned in a foreign country for the act of selling seeds through the mail – and even more people believe that, if Marc is to be imprisoned at all, he should serve his time in Canadian prison.

Marc is trying to get transferred home to Canada, so please help him! FREE MARC EMERY!

Go to www.CannabisCulture.com for more information.

NORML 38th Annual National Conference: September 24-26, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Glendale Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Collectives and Co-ops

The city of Glendale, California currently has no dispensaries operating within it's city limits. However, amid a statewide push to legalize medical marijuana as a taxable product, the City Council is expected to introduce a 45-day moratorium on pot dispensaries while officials take stock of the evolving legal landscape. [See Recent Article]

Covers the following zip codes in Glendale, California: 91101, 91102, 91103, 91104, 91105, 91106, 91107, 91108, 91109, 91110, 91114, 91115, 91116, 91117, 91118, 91121, 91123, 91124, 91125, 91126, 91129, 91131, 91175, 91182, 91184, 91185, 91186, 91187, 91188, 91189, 91191

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

4th Annual LA County Medical Marijuana Expo & Patients Festival

Date: Saturday, September 19, 2009
Time: 11:00am - 9:00pm


West Hollywood Park Auditorium
647 N San Vicente Blvd. Hollywood, CA [map]

Event Description:
A full day of music, Special Guest Speakers, Medical Cannabis Exhibitors and Entertainment. Stop by the KUSH LA - Daily Buds booth and meet Adrianne Curry from noon to 2:30. Adrianne will be signing autographs in the September issue of Kush LA Magazine. Performing Live - "Los Marijuanos", "Bluesetta" w-Lynette Shaw, Norman Norman & More Acts to be announced.

For more information contact Richard Eastman at 323-474-4602

Friday, September 11, 2009

FEATURED: Green Earth Center - Long Beach, California


If you've ever felt intimidated or uneasy at some of the dispensaries out there then the Green Earth Center dispensary in Long Beach is definitely for you. Family owned and operated where you literally feel like family after a couple visits. The place is brand new, everything is nice and clean, well kept, the staff is very helpful and friendly.

On one occasion they even stayed open a few extra minutes longer after closing time to accommodate my wife who was stuck in traffic. I, personally, along with my wife HIGHLY recommend this dispensary to everyone that has the opportunity to check it out. These people truly care!

Maybe we will see you there :)

Green Earth Center
3748 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807 [map]
Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-8pm, Sun 11am-6pm
Phone: 562-989-0300
Email: info@greenearthcenter.com

Parking is conveniently available on the street right in front of our dispensary or in the rear in the parking lot.

NORML 38th Annual National Conference: September 24-26, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Dispensaries Added to our Medical Marijuana Dispensary Maps

Due to potential unexpected closures of dispensaries, collectives and co-ops, we highly recommend that you call the place prior to your drive to ensure you will not be disappointed.

View Southern California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in a larger map

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How Long to Hold Marijuana in the Lungs

You inhale your herbs, your lungs are filled with the medicine, now how long do you hold that in before you exhale it all out? Today I decided to look into that from a consensus point of view. So keep in mind that these are not scientific numbers. With that said, here are just a few of the things I saw other patients stating:

- 95% of the THC is absorbed within 5-8 seconds

- Hold a hit for up to 10 seconds when smoking from a bong or vaporizer

- It takes 4 seconds for THC to be absorbed into the bloodstream... anything more is just unnessecary lung damage.

The above statements came from individuals like you or me, simply stating what they personally knew or felt. After some more research and more of the same mix of numbers I realized that there was quite a bit of discrepancy here. From 3-10 seconds for "optimal" absorption you have a lot going on with every second in between. Who had the right number?

One thing I researched was not to
hold your breath very long because the THC is absorbed by the lungs almost instantly. So by exhaling almost immediately after taking a hit you expel most of the carcinogenic byproducts.

I think in short...don't hold it in till it hurts, like I've seen some individuals do (myself included). Three to five (3-5) seconds seems to be the magic number. Holding the smoke, tar and other carcinogens in your lungs for longer periods of time allows them to settle and pollute your lungs. Whenever you can, vaporize your herbs or use a water bong. You will be doing yourself and your lungs a huge favor.

Feel free to comment and add your two cents worth!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Newport Beach Dispensaries

Nuggetry (DELIVERY)
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Hours: Sun-Mon 10am-10pm, Tue-CLOSED, Wed-Sat 10am-10pm
Phone: 949-290-0163
Website: http://www.nuggetry.com